If you are open to shipping, I would LOVE to have these, and will happily pay for shipping. I'm in Utah.

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Hey Becca! If I don't get an in-person pick up, you're first on the list for shipping!

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Hey Becca! No one claimed an IRL pick up so they’re yours! I’m happy to cover the shipping, can you send me your address? hi@the100dayproject.org

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Hey Becca! Did you see my earlier reply?

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ALSO! Feel free to ask for what you need here! Maybe someone has it and your request will remind them :)

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If it doesn’t work out, I would love these as well. Will pay shipping to Texas ❀️

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Oh!! I would be so grateful to receive these!! I live in Canada but would gladly pay for postage! I lost all my pastel while moving 😩. I have many beautiful exotic paper from around the world if you would like to do an exchange?

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Where do you live in Canada? I live just across the water from Victoria BC and have loads of professional pastels that I no longer use. Right now I’m in Turkey but will be home the end of February. Let me know if you are interested and would pay for shipping or just happen to live in Victoria.


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Really Gayle? I am on the South Shore of Montreal but would be more than willing to pay for shipping!! I am SO GRATEFUL to you!!!!

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Please contact me about the 2nd week of March to give me time to settle back in to my life in the U.S. after a 5 month absence. It will also be a reminder, in case I forget.

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Thank you so much! I will! I also sent you a private message so we can keep in contact. Wishing you a beautiful month in Turkey!

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I could give away stacks of paper from around the world. I am from Quebec, Canada (South Shore of Montreal) and (for now!) Canada post is still shipping 😊. I would need a few days to get the package together (they are big sheets that I could cut to fit in an envelope. My means are limited, so it would be amazing if the person could pay for postage. Thank you!

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ooh! yes please. I πŸ’— paper. no problem to cover costs to CA. and also please take your time. can we venmo? paypal? zelle? what works for you?

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Hi Cindy!! I am so excited to share this with you!! Do you have preferred colors?

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@cindy.handler can you email me at ingenue.artisan.e@gmail.com so that I can send the package to you (probably this weekend!

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sending now. πŸ’—

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Hi there,

would so appreciate some special papers and will be happy to pay for shipping if you have some extras. is there anything in return I could get for you that you would enjoy and use

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I have three 5" x 7" speedball linoleum blocks that I don't need. I live in the Seattle area, but am open to shipping if someone is willing to help with postage.

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I would be interested! Im in Portland and happy to pay shipping. Venmo?

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I just sent you a DM, thanks!

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I have a collection of Bic and Sharpie fine point markers (maybe 3 dozen, all colors), lightly used and left behind when my daughter went to college. I am in coastal Oregon but happy to ship. 1strongcheryl at gmail.com

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Australia here, but what a GREAT idea. xx

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Jan 28Edited

Hello! I have a few 100% watercolor sketchbooks in both landscape and portrait that I handmade. They're new but imperfectly hand made. Happy to send pictures and dimensions. Open to shipping for local pickup in Bay Area (San Jose)

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Oh my gosh, I love watercolor sketchbooks and I’m also in San Jose! I don’t have many landscape books so maybe one of those?

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Awesome! Do you mind sending me an email: rosalynchu (at) yahoo (dot) com

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Jan 31Edited

Hi Roz just happened to find this and i love handmade watercolor sketchbooks, I am in Marin if you still have any and happy to cover shipping

need to go look what I have to share/ give away tomorrow, maybe a paper napkin selection for collage

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Hi! sure thing! Go ahead and e-mail me and I can send you pics to choose.

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rosalynchu (at) yahoo (dot) com

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This is such a great idea! I have a bag full of art supplies that I am not using and was trying to figure out what to do with! Be back soon with a list ;)

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I wonder what do you think about local the100daysproject IG accounts?

I’ve been considering opening one with content in our local language. Since I’ve done the project myself a few times and benefited immensely, I would love to spread news about the project within the local community.

Are there any guidelines or limits to repostibg your original content?

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Hey Nivj! That’s so generous of you. You are welcome to reshare original content as long as you tag/credit us. We’ve tried different versions of this in the past, but nothing quite stuck. Where are you located/what’s your local language? πŸ’“πŸ™Œ

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This is such a wonderful idea! I thought I could give away a set of Shiva artist oil paintstiks (20 large and 12 small) to a good home in Germany but have now discovered they are hopelessly dried out. If anyone could still find a use for them and would like them I would pay postage within Germany. LEPaulu@t-online.de

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Love this idea so much! I have three premium dye inks (brand Catherine Pooler Designs) new un-opened. Colors are: rose petals, sage, and juniper mist. I’m in Raleigh, NC and happy to ship!

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Awesome idea! I’m heading out the door to take some things to a sick friend and her sick son who just got out of the hospital. I definitely have stuff to give and I’m good with mailing or local pick up in the KC area. It is good motivation for me to get organizing and decluttering!

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I have two pot holders, a baby bib and some 14 ct cross stitch fabric to share. I'm in Baltimore, but am open to shipping if the taker pays the cost. I don't see a way to add a photo, but will provide one via DM if you are interested.

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I also have some scrapbook supplies that need a home. Baltimore pickup or tajer pays shipping.

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