Jun 1, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

Couldn’t make this year due to travelling but I now realise I could have done if I had let my thoughts be a little wider. I will be in next year. Congratulations to all those who did it and those organisers who make it possible

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

I have completed 99 days, with day 100 to do today. Sometimes life got in the way & I found myself creating a few days together, but I enjoyed the process.

I have learned far more about colour. Yes I know my colour wheel & have mixed my own, but this has taught me new combinations to reach for that ordinarily I wouldn't. I have come away with four new favourite palettes to use in my art journaling.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

Such an inspiring project, even though i only made it through the first 30 days...i'm looking forward to participating again next year. i might actually start a mini project in the next month, now that it is winter over here, it will be perfect for all those upcoming rainy and cold days :). i totally love the idea of creating daily, and have already learnt so much about my art practice and myself as well. thank you so much :)

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

Wow! Thank you so much for facilitating, Lindsay ❤️ I remember on Day 1, I had no idea what I wanted my project to be — just random doodles in a notebook and a jumble of thoughts. Now it's turned into a full-fledged newsletter that brings me so much joy. What a difference 3 months can make!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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This has been a great project. Thank you to all who made it possible. I think I lost count somewhere because I thought it was day 98. Anyway I will do one more sketch today. My goal was simply to do a sketch or paint daily. I learned I still like florals, waves, and, surprisingly, macramé! I loved connecting with other creatives and learned a lot from others. Another benefit was the confidence in showing my work. I have had work accepted in 4 different juried group shows this Spring!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

This sentence spoke to me “I am less and less into hard rules, and more and more into big hopes.”

My project was working on photo books of three trips taken last year. I managed to work on it 64 days and plan to keep going. I gave myself the grace to be Ok with it not being the hard rule of consecutive days. Last year that’s what left me feeling that I failed, so I then stopped. Now, just reading that sentence made me reframe it in my mind and it’s making me focus on my success. One book done, 93 pages, a second book 80% done, 130 pages. 223 pages that wouldn’t exist if I hadn’t started and showed up. That makes me happy!

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Yeah, Peggy! 🙌

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

This was my first year and I started with a gusto. However, many of my volunteer obligations began to interfere with my commitment to this projects. I did manage 80 days before I realized that I was getting stressed in trying to fit this in so gave myself permission to alleviate the stress. For me the biggest lesson was prioritizing what is important and making space for me. I look forward to next year and many thanks to everyone who makes #The100DayProject possible.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

After 4 years I finally decided to do this project more for me and in my own way. I had to figure out what it was I was doing I didn’t like. And for me it was the pressure to post daily. So I took back my autonomy and put up boundaries strictly for me so I would not feel compelled to do things I didn’t want to because others were. A hard lesson. And as you have said over and over again Lindsay we make our rules.

So I did my project of coloring every day but didn’t feel pressured to finish one picture a day or post daily, just twice a week. This made my project doable and pleasurable. I also for the last 3 years have tied my project in with a bigger 365 day project I am doing. Again much more doable and I’m not taking on something new.

Next up is to keep exploring my creative me. What else do I want to know and try and begin and do. Just some wading in at first. My biggest hope is that I will keep expanding my creativity and get closer to my dreams. I feel well on my way. After completing 5 years of this project, I can’t see me not doing it. It has become part of my creativity. Thanks to you Lindsay and all the support form the many who participate and help me see how I to can do anything I put my mind to.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

I didn't participate this year in a formal way. But i did work on creating a habit. I made a sketch zine every day and I've decided to blog about that. Blogging is hard work I'm realizing!. Haven't begun to post anything yet just drafting things but as soon as I arrive at the 100th zine, I'm gonna start posting.

Hopefully next year I can participate in this project. Every year I'd like to but I've never felt fully ready.

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I’m learning that not being “good” at something can be really liberating, that I can be ok with that, and that I like that about myself.

I’m celebrating the joy and presence I’ve found through painting, the body of work I’ve made, and how much I’ve learned and grown in the past year.

What’s next? I’ve painted (almost) every day this year and I’m going to keep going.

My hopes — I’m still reflecting on this… but I hope to do something with all of the work I’ve made 💖

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

I made it for the first time and I chose to put it at the top of my priorities to test myself. Thank you very much! I enjoyed it, I loved it, I also suffered some going too late to bed, but I made it. I learnt about more doing and less thinking, connecting with my self in the here and now, new bookmaking and journal making techniques, my personal style, my level of commitment and responsibilities with myself, the importance of creating everyday as a way of selfcare and balance, my right to be happy and free in my creative expression processes.

I will make a show in my Studio with these 100 pieces in the coming weeks and I call it: 100 pre-textos y 1 YoCreo. (100 pre-texts and 1 I-create) In Spanish Yocreo is instead of Recreo which means a break or pause from classes at school.

Thank you very much!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

First off! Thank you so very much Lindsay for being such a wonderful guide, cheerleader and thought-provoker through this project 🙌 So appreciate you and all your kindness and wisdom 🙏

Here is answers to the last set of questions for this round 😊

What did you learn this year?

- I enjoy jumping around and trying new techniques or mediums

- I enjoy the element of surprise that comes with creating

- I enjoy painting to my shock! Specifically enjoy the loose and free style of watercolour

- I struggle with working with colour

- I love art and creating. It's a part of me!

What are you celebrating?

- Completing my first 100dayproject and did each day 🙌

- My project was about letting my inner child explore my art supplies and I'm proud that honoured her in such a way

- Finding the freedom that comes from finally letting myself make some "ugly" pieces

- Sharing my pieces with friends and family which I'd never dare doing in the past

What’s next?

- review my project and explore ideas or techniques that I enjoyed and explore them further

What are your big hopes?

- to find my artist style and to do the project again next year 🙌

Thank you again Lindsay and a huge congrats to everyone here on this journey no matter where you are at! 🎉

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🙌💓 and thank you, Monika!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

We had a little group of 4 of us together in Newcastle Australia last night for antipasto and a drink. We talked, shared and celebrated our 100 days. Life happened to all of us as we went, and the main thing I think we enjoyed was the regular practice, having kept it simple enough from the outset. None of us are professional artists, so it's a chance to delve in, rest in creativity, mix it up each day. For me: it's been GLORIOUS to share in your large community - see all the works, be inspired towards new projects, from right about every little corner of the globe! Thank you for the road. Next up: holiday in Europe and I've got a little project pouch with the tiniest art journal and 4 Tombow pens, so I can do A Page A Day for the 6 weeks I'll be gone. Thanks Lindsay!! (In August, I'll assemble the 100 crochet hexagons into a single piece).

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I love that, Anna!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

Thank you so much Lindsay for your guidance and being an unwavering cheerleader - just what I needed! This is my 2nd year participating and I have grown so much with your support! This year I started a new Instagram account dedicated only to painting & called myself an “Artist” - BIG leap of faith - and decided to post weekly (less pressure). Since then I have learned how to make a time lapse recording and label images with text. Didn’t figure out how to upload images or videos for the 100 day reels but maybe next year 😊.

* This year I learned that creating is not linear, to trust my intuition, mood & to go for it!

* I’m celebrating developing a practice (not necessarily a daily practice but a practice that works for me). I discovered that painting multiple works at a time keeps my painting looser and more true to me.

* Next - keep painting! I planned to start on 3 different series (landscapes, birds & abstracts) in acrylics on canvases, but since our trip to Yellowstone where I painted in watercolors, I’m drawn to watercolor again!!

* Big hopes - keep up a painting practice (small sketchbook paintings or on big canvases or both!) & continue to be curious & live my life!

Thank you & cheers until next year!! Kim

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Yes 🙌! Thank you, Kim!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

So glad I found this project and completed it! Thank you! Not sure what I will do with all these new things though - guess I have lots of little gifts for my family and friends :)

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