Today is the first day of #The100DaypProject! I just love the enthusiasm of a new beginning, don’t you?
At the beginning of every year, I set a theme to guide me. The idea of the theme is that it’s not really a goal or a resolution, more a direction or energy. A way of being. Less “write 1000 pages” and more “generative”, for example.
As we get started, what are you looking forward to about your project this year? What might your theme for your project be this year?
If nothing comes to mind (or too many things!), give yourself a week or two to feel it out. We are, after all, just getting started. It’s ok not to know yet.
Here are a few prompts to get you going:
How do you want to feel about your project?
What’s something that might help you keep the enthusiasm of a new beginning throughout your project?
What are the first few things that come to you? Write them down, leave them out for a bit, and then come back in a few days and see what sticks with you.
Remember: the rules are made up. The important thing is to show up – in a way that is meaningful and sustainable for you – a bit every day.
Let’s go create!

My theme is to do something related to painting, drawing, or writing each day, with the goal of being more improved at the end of the 100 days. It might even be something like watching a tutorial or video.
Setting aside 1 hour per day to explore all my unfinished business/projects.They include paintings, ideas for paintings and writing down daily observations. Also exploring what my dream job really is and dedicate time to make it a realization. Today will be what is on my easel. I also want to learn more about digital art.