Feb 9Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

I wish someone could explain this project to me. I have never heard of it and do not understand how it works. If I sign up is someone sending me a daily prompt in an e-mail, do I have to have an app. Some look like they are writing or painting. Unless one gets to a main page to explain it, it is very confusing. Could anyone help me. Thank you

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Hey Carolin!

Here’s how it works:

Pick a project β€” it can be anything, it doesn’t have to be writing or painting β€” and starting February 18, do your project every day. You can document your process and share on your social channels if you’d like. Most people use Instagram. If you add the hashtag #The100DayProject to your project and your account is public, other people doing the project or following along can see it.

If you sign up, you will receive the newsletter via email every day. You don’t have to have an app. The newsletter is optional. Posts are seen in timeline (reverse chronological order) here at the100dayproject.substack.com, like a blog. You might find the website more helpful: the100dayproject.org. Hope that helps!

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Feb 9Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

Thank you so much. That helped me in a huge way.

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I’m so glad!

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Thanks Lindsay!

I started 100 days last year, but fell off the creative wagon and only posted around 30 days worth. Having said that, I did create after that, and more recently I've been creating everyday, I think the Socials sharing put me off in the end. I think it felt, to me, like pressure?

I also got so much spam when I changed my Insta to public for the project. Any tips on how to stop this? That in itself would be a huge incentive!! Have a lovely weekend.

x Nell.

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