Hello, friends!
Did I make the graphics for #The100DayProject myself this year? Yes! Are they imperfect? Yes! Are there literally thousands and thousands of people who could have done a better job? Absolutely.
But I wanted to do them. I wanted to work at finding my own visual voice. And I want to trust my own hand.
I don’t believe that not being “good” at something is a reason not to try.
And I think it’s important to model that you don’t have to be perfect to put yourself out there.
There are something like 50,000 people on this mailing list so surely some of you will not like it. But you know what? I think I’ll live! I may fall on my face, but I can get back up again. Because being willing to try is so much more important than being good.
There are no gatekeepers for creativity here in this community.
If you’re stuck in the “good” trap, I want to ask you:
What does good really mean to you?
Because good is kind of a nothing word, it’s not specific or personal – it doesn’t convey anything of substance or meaning. So when you say you want your project to be good, what do you really want?
And believe it or not, this is leaps and bounds better than my first attempt. Because that’s what happens when you practice. You get better! You show up, you do what you can even when there’s a voice that tells you “someone else could do this better, why bother” and you’re changed for doing it.
I believe that with my whole heart.
The next round of #The100DayProject starts in just over two weeks. A little creative action every day for 100 days. If you’re at all curious, I hope you join us.
I think it's the best thing that you, the human being running this project, are willing to be a beginner. It helps me feel braver to try something new and be a beginner, too! <3
Thankyou so much for this! I need inspiration and confidence.