That's an interesting question about timing. I'll be traveling for most of next week, and will have a packed schedule and little control of my time, and am currently trying to decide if I should bring materials with me to do a scaled down version of my project, knowing that I will probably be frustrated trying to squeeze it in, or just skip the week, and complete my project a week later. The latter feels like the better option, now that I have written that out!

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Yeah! This is why I journal every day — it’s so cathartic to write things out and so nice to get the questions out of my head.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

It’s weird how I am disconnecting, and impatient for the 100 days to be done. I’m pursuing other interests and have really used up most of my photo reference. It’s time to switch things up within the project and that’s mostly meant getting more elaborate - which I’m not super interested in doing… simplifying would be good. I’m mostly happy with the results of my work… not so happy woth the level of self-criticism and all telling - it’s the self-care and play I often skip… all that said, I love where this has gotten me. And I remind myself that boredom generates creativity so I’m keeping going…

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Totally! I’ve been there too, Shelly! Some years I can’t wait to be over, some years I’m not ready to be done. Sounds like you’re paying attention to what feels right for you, and yes to boredom or the feeling of not knowing making space for creativity!

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Thanks for this post, and question...I feel so good about my project this year! it is my 2nd year participating in the 100 day project and it is a sea change from last year. Last year i was behind by days and eventually weeks and did not complete it at all. I was frustrated and disappointed with myself with regards to my project. This year I am excited and inspired by my project and have been either on time or at most 2 days behind, often with half the day's product ready but my work days are 14 hours long and I have fallen asleep numerous times putting together the poems and images for posting. I LOVE where I am with my project and I don't need any hopes, lol , because I AM ON IT! Very excited to finish the whole thing this time. So happy about it that I am planning on starting my own next 100 day project when the one completes.

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I’m so glad! Way to go!

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May 17, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

Yes hundred a project came at a very interesting time for me - I intentionally scaled it to be easy and simple to do even on my busiest days. That is some thing I’m very grateful for! Nine weeks ago today I broke my ankle in two places and tore some ligaments. It would’ve been very easy for me to say I couldn’t complete the project, but it was the actually the thing that kept me sane, I’m now back to walking, and doing physical therapy and I’m so grateful for the project while I initially thought I would be posting every day, I give them myself the space not to post, but still take pictures every day, so I have not missed the day, even if it’s just been five minutes spent knitting on a project.

When I reached 100 days, I will be so proud of myself that even through surgery, and recovery, I managed to knit every single day. I have almost 4 dozen beautiful dish cloths, in a multitude of colors and I look forward to posting them on my Instagram next week and start selling them.

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I’m so sorry about your injury, Meg! I hope you are healing well and I’m so glad your project has been helpful during this time. Way to go! I’m proud of you too!

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May 17, 2023Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

It has been so supportive to receive your posts throughout this project. Today is no exception. I have focused on scratch out poetry or found words incorporated into a collage. The process has been extraordinary with its meaningfulness one day but not the next. Yet the daily practice has kept me going and learning about myself, my creative energy and the importance of support from a community. Thank you.

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I’m so glad! Thank you, Mary!

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This project is now promotion and meet the artist sessions. I think the whole exhibition came togethar really well, I think everyone was pleased.

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