Hello, it’s Day 40 of #The100DayProject!
This one is for those of us who have ever held on to an idea, waiting for the right time, not wanting to waste it.
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou
Do you ever feel lack around your creativity? How do you cultivate inspiration?
Keep using it 😉 – and if you’d like to generate more ideas and cultivate your creative energy, join us for Creative Playshop this week and next!
I am a very process oriented person. I am not spontaneous or slap dash. I struggle making "ugly art". When I participate in online or live workshops I am uncomfortable when sloppiness is part of the program. I just don't get it. As a result, I tend to shy away from opportunities that are labeled freeing but for me it fees like they lack foundational skills and substance. As a result, I work in my studio, alone, and create within the parameters that are comfortable for me. Am I missing out? Good question.
I am absolutely thrilled with the simplicity of 100 days!!!!!