Thank you for this. I love that this year's project has kicked off my resetting the standard for what success might look like 100 days from now. Anna's idea of using the project to create and expand our container, rather than make it to an imagined finish line in 100 days is such an important reframe of the creative process - one I feel myself constantly wandaring away from and returning from.

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What a perfect first post to start the project! As someone who has never completed a full 100 days, it's so nice to hear that from others too. I didn't attempt a project last year because the year before I felt like such a failure for only managing a week (I know, I know..). Last night though I flipped through all the little sketchbooks and mini books of my past "incomplete" projects and felt so happy, proud even, of what did get produced that it reminded me that doing something, anything, is good creative practice. Loved Anna's prompts, going to get a notebook and jot down some things now.

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Hello everyone. This is my first time seeing and joining the 100 days project. This is such an encouraging post because sometimes, due to time pressures and work, we end up neglecting the things that fuel our creativity. Thank you for such a lovely reminder that mistakes and time doing other things are never wasted.

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What a GREAT way to frame creative practice - as a thing that’s being served by all the other things we are doing. This is a really helpful little piece for beginning the 100 day journey. Thanks, Anna!

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is first prompt available i am not to good navigating around on computer?

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This is it!

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As amazing as it is this post and the questions along with it has opened up my mind as an artist and as a designer ,not this is not my only area where I should be showing that creativity. I can be creative in my day today life. Sky is the limit for me but with the clarity I have choices. This is just so exciting.

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Thank you, Anna. ❤️ I am "free" this time around to look forward to the possibilities. I did complete the project once. I surprised myself. My only goal (right now) is to continue to keep my art personal. Thank you for sharing so much of who you are.

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This is my first 100 day project and I am excited and a little trepidatious because of past failures; you know that inner voice is loud sometimes. . This post encourages me. I’m filling my creative container not completing an assignment. I’m choosing to look ahead to what this practice will do for my skills rather than the pressure of making 100 beautiful pieces.

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Great concept, the container. I have always found one or two “boundaries” or containers help me find a scope for creativity. And the best part about doing the 100 with a container is “breaking the rule” a few times in the series when you really want to - because why not, it’s just your project.

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Permission to not be perfect! A message I always need to be reminded. The concept of container is so timely for me too. I realized I need to move at least half of the stuff in my studio to another room for “shopping”. Too many choices are overwhelming! I make more art when I grab stuff and go somewhere else to make art, like I did yesterday at the STL collage club. So I’ll go fill a container to bring into the studio. Thanks for this great article!

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A wonderful starting post! I woke up this morning deciding to back out of the 100 days... although it is our choice to do every day, I didn't need the disappointment of maybe not finishing something else, or even having "something" else to commit to. But the idea of creating a container shifted all that, thank you! Although I do plan on practicing and learning dip pen & ink on a daily basis, the container concept adds so much depth and freedom. I can read or study other artists, maybe put on a classical album from my collection to just rest my eyes and daydream or just put a different nib in my pen to see its marks. Everyday doesn't have to yield a creation but a holding space for creation to flourish.

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Well said, Tania!

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Agreed. The first time I tried this, I had a single goal. I didn’t finish because a single goal was too restricting for me. Fortunately, art is my hobby, but time is not on my side. My goal has flexiblilty now. When I signed up, I decided to be open to exploration and encourage others to try. Point well made!

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Love, love, love your idea of creative expansion, i.e. the expansive container. You've made me consider everything that frames my ability to be creative -- a comfortable home, a keyboard given to me as a gift, supportive friendship, other creatives who surround my life, self-care, my many books, and more. I'm excited about day 1. How would I define my creative practice? Well, for this particular project, which is to create a brief improvisational song on the keyboard every day, it's really very simple. I sit down at the keyboard and play, trying out different instruments, beats, mix effects, and so forth. The catch is I can't spend the whole day playing (haha), so I have to make a decision pretty quickly and get the song written. I'll probably be doing most of these songs in the mornings before work. Thanks so much for your prompts. I'll consider the others.

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Thank you so much. I realize that my life is all creative! But I get easily distracted by a variety of projects, like writing, garden design, cooking, and I neglect the most basic things, like a daily art practice. This helps me return to home base if you will. An important thing I need to do is set out my materials the night before because I have been rummaging around finding my special mixed media pad and notebook. Chaos reigns.

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Thank you so much for this comment. Expansion and curiosity! I have been humming and hawing on this project as I am very inconsistent and changeable and fickle. But will turn these into strengths and I thought, I pretty much always have my phone and I will take a photo a day of something or someone reflected.

Perspective change! Good luck everyone!

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I first read it few hours ago, I thought how interesting. And then I plunged and as I was warming afterwards, it dawned on me, the deep value of considering the container. I always thought of a restricted container and how do I boost that? And now the container has itself, become a time to perceive differently. I can almost imagine a sort of funny Venn diagram coming out of it -- different containers, so related, overlapping, unique. All of them creating the space to breathe into creativity, possibilities.

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