It’s not hard for me to commit because I already do a 10 minute project daily, but making it all just one thing…. Boy that’s tricky

Can I work daily but have something to show only every 4 days? I’m thinking of bringing the whole Ten Minute Artist group along for this ride!

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PS: I’ve been experimenting with this idea of posting a note then tagging a project / substack, what do you think of that?

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Yeah! A lot of people do collaborative projects!

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The answer, with the 100 Day Project, is always, yes.

It doesn't have to be all about 1 specific thing. I'm a 'needs structure and flexibility' person myself. You could set your Daily as something super flexible like "sit at desk and mark paper for 1 minute". The variety of outcomes would be wonderful to see at the end.

But to go back to your actual question — you don't have to document anything at all, if you don't want to. It's the act of doing that's the most important thing 😊

P.S. I like the idea you shared, let me know if you do document here — I'd follow along.

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I like your perspective.

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Really excited to start today. The curiosity has definitely overtaken the fears ✌🏼

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Yes! Curiosity > fear = creativity:)

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I’m so exited to start!! Right now I’m in the midst of an eight week abstract painting class and a 12 week collage class, so I made my project intentionally simple this year! I can’t wait to get started and to see what everyone else is up to!

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Hello All I'm a First Time Paid Member Is the "Day 1: the most important thing" the Prompt? Thank you for you help Linda Higham

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Good morning! I’ve read the email but can’t locate the Prompt. Where do I find it?

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Hello Cecilla I feel the same way I'm at a loss Linda Higham

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Hey Linda! This is the prompt. All prompts start “Day X: …”. There’s also a daily thread for paid subscribers in the chat.

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Thank you so much Lindsay It's always tough being the Newbie I'm Really Looking Forward to the next 99 Days Thank you again

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It’s definitely a learning curve to get the hang of a new platform! Welcome 🙏

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Hello, Cecilia! This is the prompt. All prompts start “Day X: …”. There’s also a daily thread for paid subscribers in the chat.

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Good question! That's exactly what I came here looking for.

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I've been interested in making a zine so on day one I'm watching some how-to videos and gathering my materials!

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Awesome! I love zines. They’re addicting :)

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Me too! Would love to hear more about what kind of zine you’re thinking about?:) and oh yes- zine- I’ve been calling my percolating thing a “e-mag”- zine sounds way more inviting!;)

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I tried to subscribe to Anna Brones but when I click on subscribe button I get taken to buy a subscription page. I have a paid subscription. A simple intro page would be helpful.

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I’m so excited to start! I do a lot of business writing for work and artsy crafty stuff for fun. My 100 day project is creative writing. Got my notebook and ready to start.

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I always look forward to the #100dayproject - starting this year with mini printmaking which is completely new to me. Here we go!

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I just peeked at your posts/prints- delightful!:) looking forward to seeing more:)

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Thank you - Me too. Always psyched to see what arises from this adventure!

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Mini printmaking sounds like a wonderful thing!

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It is so fun so far!

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What is the prompt for today?

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Hey April! This is the prompt for today.

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Ok. The most important thing. I’m excited to be a part of this journey for 100 days.

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I’m glad you’re here! To simplify the prompt, you can think of it as 1) do your project today, and 2) jot down a few observations (what happened, how you felt, etc.). The purpose is to practice getting curious about your process 💓

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Is there a theme for this first week?

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Getting started!

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I did it! I changed my mind up until the very last minute then just picked an idea and did it. I'm new to drawing (sort of always) because I have never really practiced. Now I get to every day and the entire world gets to see it. Yay?

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=) ♥

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i’m new to drawing also! i’m going to try one small sketch of a person/portrait every day! this is a stretch for me, but i’m bringing my beginner’s mind and am ready to embrace my wonky results!

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That’s great! Following!

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I just posted my 1/100 SiDEWAYS “Encouragement” comic strip:) (well, no 2 if you count my initial shaky proclamation!;) thank you for the company! What a joy to look around me here:)

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Hi 16.16 in the UK on a grey windy day.

I just finishes my first piece. A reminder to my self that there will be brighter days.

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Interested in doing this for past three years. I am ready to give myself the nudge to another level of sketching. Goal: watercolor people from snapshots. This step is creating the sketching I need as a skill set

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Excited to start with this commitment and intention in a community. My project is to nurture my creative every day. That means drawing or painting something for at least 10 minutes everyday. I

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