Jan 31, 2021Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

I needed to read this today. I woke up thinking can I really do this. I'm not sure but I've decided to try. Thank you.

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Yay!! Will the prompt email be coming soon? :) thanks

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Hey Jess! This is the day 1 prompt. Tomorrow’s prompt will include more information about how to engage with the prompts, but for today — start to reflect on your call to action for doing the project this year and the start of your hero’s journey. Depending on your project, you might incorporate the theme into your post or journal about it.

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Jan 31, 2021Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

Thanks so much Lindsay :) just wanted to make sure I was doing it right 😅 really excited to get started

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Jan 31, 2021Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

How do I post my day one? please

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Hi Veronica, you'll post your project in your own social feeds. Most people use Instagram, but you can use whatever platform you'd like. Add the hashtag #the100dayproject to the caption or text of your post if you'd like other people who search the project to be able to find you. If you have questions about how to use Instagram, check out their Help Center: https://help.instagram.com/.

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Jan 31, 2021Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

Day #1 and done. I live in NZ so we are leading the charge here! My 'call to action' is to connect through this challenge with my Aunty who lives in England. So it's "100 Days Across the Miles". Whilst we enjoy our freedom and the sunshine, she is enduring another winter on her own and a never-ending lockdown. She is an artist, who hasn't been inspired to create over the last year. When I sent her this idea, she leapt at it, and has a wonderful list of three things she's decided to do for 100 days. So I've matched with three. I would love to post pics and share my project but I can't seem to access the right links on FB or Insta. Can someone help me with this?

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Love that! The Facebook group is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/the100dayprojectgroup. In general, you post your project in your own feed. Add the hashtag #the100dayproject to the caption or text of your post if you'd like other people who search the project to be able to find you.

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Jan 31, 2021Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

As I read your Day 1 prompt, what sprang to mind is that I’m being called to show up fully for my own life. Not just life, but Life (with a big L). The life I’m meant to live, with a daring openness to the Creative Energies that would have their way with me. [gulp]

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Jan 31, 2021Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

Not sure if Facebook is ok platform?

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Definitely! You can post your project there, and we also have a FB group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/the100dayprojectgroup

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That’s great

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Jan 31, 2021Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

I am so excited. Last year really got my juices flowing. This year I want to work on improving a technique or try a new INE every day - either jewelry, painting, or polymer clay! Wait for it . Wait for it!😎😳😎

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Jan 31, 2021Liked by Lindsay Jean Thomson

This is my first year - I received a wonderful knitting book for Christmas. Today I chose which project will be my 100 days focus and select my yarn. I can't wait to get started.

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Too bad, I don't have a credit card. What do I get without payment?

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Excited to do some fun things in the next 100 days. My goal is to dial in my video skills so I can start teaching classes online. Day 1 I just goofed around with iMovie and acted an ass 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Just found this post. Wonderful idea. Today I created designs with pansies in my garden. Tomorrow I zoom a writing class, write and then share with a writing friend on zoom (if we can get zoom working). I am a bit overwhelmed with the creative zoom classes I've signed up for...as soon as I let some go I think the stress can go too. Hopefully---just want to enjoy

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I started a series. I’m working mainly in acrylic ink but may switch back and forth with watercolor and gouache. I am trying to nail down a personal style of art, I just like practicing the same things in different mediums. The theme of the series is an alien cat invasion. I think I’m calling it “Suspicious Activity in Palm Springs” I am open to tips and ideas. My Instagram is @jannamarbles

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I will try within this 100 to develop a consistent writing routine to write my first short story and hopefully play a little with doodles and every day

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I only discovered the 100 day challenge yesterday so I am a day behind , but I will double my efforts today. I have two aims, the most enjoyable one be to engage in some kind of print activity every day. I have found it hard to engage with my artwork this past twelve months so this will be a good, positive challenge. The second aim is to develop my Instagram account and to post daily, I really struggle with social media, so this will be harder to achieve.

My first problem is how do I get the 100 day challenge logo on to my Instagram account?

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I’m behind a day also. I’m a bit confused at the moment but hope the fog clears as I work through this. I completed a 21 day challenge elsewhere (yay) but 100 days is a much bigger challenge. My goal is to get motivated, explore, create, share, learn and grow from this challenge.

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Greetings from Durham, NC. My theme for the 100 days is painting with passion. I'm hoping to loosen up and reignite the joy I felt when I first started painting. I very much enjoyed this challenge last year. I tried lots of different things, and was successful in figuring out what I don't enjoy doing. Now its time to find my own authentic voice and pursue it with passion!

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