What's motivating you to create?
Get clear on your motivations for #The100DayProject this year 💪
Hello, friends!
Let’s talk about finding our individual why for doing the project this year. Because when you understand your motivations, you’ll be more attune to what really matters to you right now. Motivations change. Getting clear on where you are now will help set you up to have a better experience of your creative practice.
For example, if you’re trying to produce something really big like a book but you only spend five minutes a day on it, you might not feel like your project is successful. Or if you just want to have fun and play, it doesn’t help to compare your output to someone who is investing more time in order to sharpen their skills.
Here are three core motivations to consider:
To play: you’re doing the project to have fun, either on your own or with someone else. You’re not particularly motivated by the outcome, but you know that sometimes the best things come from letting yourself experiment and doing something you enjoy.
To practice: you have a skill you’d like to improve, something you’d like to learn, a new tool you want to get to know better. The project is a way for you to build that skill.
To produce: you have something you want to accomplish and you know what it is. For example: finish your portfolio, put on an art show, write a book. You’re using the framework of a daily commitment to help you complete something.
What feels true to where you are right now?
Last year I started the drawings for fun and for the challenge. The illustrations morphed into the inspiration for three children’s books. I’m going with a different theme this year and am excited to see where that will take me.
Last year I did a postcard sized watercolour painting every day. I ended up selling them and raising $1800 for charity.